
Filters provide a mechanism to remove events and related issues based on criteria applied to Activities, Steps, the Path issues take, issue attributes and time. The following are examples of filters:

  • Issues that went to a certain status, e.g. On Hold, during their lifecycle

  • Issues that were in the Work In Progress state for more than 2 days

  • Issues that went direct from Start to OnHold

  • Issues where the standard deviation of the duration between In Progress and Resolved was < 1 hr

  • Issues where the priority was high or critical

When a filter is applied, all variants, steps and activities are re-generated

Filters, in conjunction with discovery, are the core of Findings generated by the Workflow Optimizer. Whenever one of more filters or discovery conditions are applied to the Workflow Model, the criteria used can be saved as a Finding (automation opportunity, compliance problem or performance issue),


The  Activity filter uses the standard grid functionality to allow selection/deselection of 1 or more activities.   The retention can be specified i.e. do you want to include or exclude the activities selected. Constraints related to actual duration, relative duration and occurences. The Constraint type can be one of the following:


Only include issues where the selected activities have a duration that matches the specified operators


Only include issues where the selected activities matches the relative operators i.e. the duration is > than average


Only include issues that have activities that occur as per the selected the occurence operator and volume e.g. issues that moved to Pending more than once in their lifecycle



The Steps filter functions the same as the Activities filter, with the only exception been Steps are selected i.e. the transition from one activity to another, as opposed to issues that transitioned to or from a specific activity.



The Path filter allows steps to be selected based on predicate logic.   Predicates include 'Directly Followed' and 'Eventually Followed'.   Multiple activities can be selected for the From and To components of the Path, and Retention logic is available based on inclusion/exclusion of activities

The Constraint type can be one of the following:


Only include paths where the duration matches the specified operators

Same Resource

Only include paths where the same resource is associated with the from/to path combination



The Event Log can be filtered based on Event -> Resource, or any of the defined Issue attributes.   One of more resources and/or attributes can be selected.




Filters the event log and associated variants/issues based on a time range.  The range can be ‘Issues’ (create time) of ‘Events’ (event timestamp)